櫻井 勇介, 石倉 佑季子, 中野 遼子, 鍋島 有希, 仙石 祐, 岡田 昭人, 近藤 佐知彦. University Administrators’ Visions for the Recovery of International Student Exchange in a Post-COVID-19 World. Higher Learning Research Communications. 2023. 13. 1. 50-69
Bradford, A, Ishikura, Y, Brown, H. Sustaining Internationalization: English-Medium Programs in Japan. International Higher Education. 2022. 110. 15-16
Yukiko Ishikura, Ryoko Nakano, Sachihiko Kondo. COVID-19 and its impact on study abroad in Japan. JAISE Rapid Communication on International Student Education vol.1, no.1. 2020