J-GLOBAL ID:201801006333693760   更新日: 2022年03月29日

ナサニエル フィン

ナサニエル フィン | Finn Nathaniel
職名: 講師
研究分野 (1件): 外国語教育
研究キーワード (2件): 英語教授法 ,  Teaching of English as a Second Language
論文 (1件):
  • Nathaniel Finn. Learning to participate in on-the-street interviews and company visits on a short-term study abroad program. JoLCHE. 2021. 10
講演・口頭発表等 (2件):
  • Planning an investigation on the development of extended talk using CAF measures
    (The Temple University Applied Linguistics Colloquium, Tokyo 2022)
  • Preparing Japanese university students in an English-medium economics program to participate in company visits in the US
    (The International Conference on English Across the Curriculum, Hong Kong 2021)
学位 (1件):
  • 修士 (テンプル大学ジャパン)
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