J-GLOBAL ID:201801007153946941   更新日: 2024年07月16日

バード リアム

Baird Liam
研究分野 (1件): 分子生物学
競争的資金等の研究課題 (2件):
  • 2017 - 2019 Keap1-Nrf2系によるストレス感知機構
  • 2016 - 2019 An investigation into the mechanism regulating the oxidative stress-dependent activation of the Keap1-Nrf2 pathway
論文 (24件):
  • Yu-Ichi Aoki, Keiko Taguchi, Hayato Anzawa, Junko Kawashima, Noriko Ishida, Akihito Otuki, Atsushi Hasegawa, Liam Baird, Takafumi Suzuki, Ikuko N Motoike, et al. Whole blood transcriptome analysis for age- and gender-specific gene expression profiling in Japanese individuals. Journal of biochemistry. 2024
  • Liam Baird, Masayuki Yamamoto. Immunoediting of KEAP1-NRF2 mutant tumours is required to circumvent NRF2-mediated immune surveillance. Redox Biology. 2023. 67. 102904-102904
  • Liam Baird, Keiko Taguchi, Anqi Zhang, Yushi Takahashi, Takafumi Suzuki, Thomas W. Kensler, Masayuki Yamamoto. A NRF2-induced secretory phenotype activates immune surveillance to remove irreparably damaged cells. Redox Biology. 2023. 66. 102845-102845
  • Liam Baird, Thomas W Kensler, Masayuki Yamamoto. Novel NRF2-activated cancer treatments utilizing synthetic lethality. IUBMB life. 2022
  • Liam Baird, Masayuki Yamamoto. NRF2-dependent bioactivation of mitomycin C as a novel strategy to target KEAP1-NRF2 pathway activation in human cancer. Molecular and cellular biology. 2020. 41. 2
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