研究キーワード (9件):
Gait training
, Gait rehabilitation
, 細胞膜の損傷修復機構
, Medical English Education
, Medical Communications
, English for Medical Purposes
, Medical English
, ICT teaching tools
, Language learning and teaching
勝山ビタリー, Najma Janjua. Teaching history-taking skills to third-year students at Kawasaki Medical School: Challenges and future perspectives. 第25回日本医学英語教育学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集. 2022. 21. 2. 33-33
Florescu Mihail Cosmin, Vitalii Katsuyama, Tamerlan Babayev, Takayuki Oshimi. Do they know that they know? Confidence vs performance in preclinical Japanese medical students. 第10回 国際医療福祉大学学会学術大会(プログラム・抄録集). 2020. 141-141
Cosmin Mihail Florescu, 井之川睦美, 早坂裕介, Shawn DeHaven, Barnabas Martin, 押味貴之, Tamerlan Babayev, Vitalii Katsuyama, James Rogers. On the motivational effects of choice on ESL learners: Changes in English language proficiency during the second year at a medical school. 日本医学英語教育学会会誌第19巻3号. 2020. 66-72
Teaching history-taking skills to third-year students at Kawasaki Medical School: Challenges and future perspectives
(第25回日本医学英語教育学会学術集会 2022)
How large is the gap between medical students’ input-processing and output-production skills?
(第51回日本医学教育学会大会 2019)
Plasma membrane disruption using the piezo system and study for the repair functions.
(American Society for Cell Biology, Annual Meeting, 2018 2018)
Plasma membrane disruption using the piezo system and study for the repair functions.
(11th Japanese-French Workshop "New insights in personalized neuromuscular diseases: from basic to applied myology" 2018)