J-GLOBAL ID:201801008229521658   更新日: 2024年07月15日

ウインシユイ テインテイン

ウインシユイ テインテイン | Win-Shwe Tin-Tin
研究キーワード (5件): Animal experiment ,  Behavior ,  Brain ,  Neurotoxicity ,  Environmental chemicals
論文 (98件):
  • Natsuko Abe, Akari Sakiyama, Maho Suzuki, Tin-Tin Win-Shwe, Takehiro Suzuki, Takaharu Kawashima, Shinji Tsukahara. Ethynylestradiol feminizes gene expression partly in testis developing as ovotestis and disrupts asymmetric Müllerian duct development by eliminating asymmetric gene expression in Japanese quail embryos. Toxicological Sciences. 2024
  • Chaw Kyi-Tha-Thu, Soe-Minn Htway, Takehiro Suzuki, Keiko Nohara, Tin-Tin Win-Shwe. Gestational arsenic exposure induces anxiety-like behaviors in F1 female mice by dysregulation of neurological and immunological markers. Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine. 2023. 28. 43-43
  • Chaw Kyi-Tha-Thu, Yuji Fujitani, Seishiro Hirano, Tin-Tin Win-Shwe. Early-Life Exposure to Traffic-Related Air Pollutants Induced Anxiety-like Behaviors in Rats via Neurotransmitters and Neurotrophic Factors. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022. 24. 1. 586-586
  • Rie Yanagisawa, Eiko Koike, Tin-Tin Win-Shwe, Hirohisa Takano. Effects of Oral Exposure to Low-Dose Bisphenol S on Allergic Asthma in Mice. International journal of molecular sciences. 2022. 23. 18
  • Tin-Tin Win-Shwe, Rie Yanagisawa, Thet-Thet Lwin, Fumitaka Kawakami, Eiko Koike, Hirohisa Takano. Dietary Exposure to Flame Retardant Tris (2-Butoxyethyl) Phosphate Altered Neurobehavior and Neuroinflammatory Responses in a Mouse Model of Allergic Asthma. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES. 2022. 23. 2. ARTN 655
MISC (12件):
  • WIN-SHWE Tin-Tin, FUJITANI Yuji, HIRANO Seishiro. Neurotoxicity Assessment of Secondary Organic Aerosols by Intranasal and Inhalation Exposure in Mice (特集 エアロゾルの毒性評価 : 曝露手法を中心に). エアロゾル研究. 2017. 32. 3. 169-175
  • Tin-Tin Win-Shwe, Yoshika Kurokawa, Hiroshi Nitta, Seishiro Hirano, Hideko Sone. Biodistribution and toxicological effects of intranasally instilled polyamidoamine (PAMAM) dendrimers in BALB/c mouse brain. TOXICOLOGY LETTERS. 2013. 221. S240-S240
  • Rie Yanagisawa, Tin-Tin Win-Shwe, Eiko Koike, Hirohisa Takano. Impact of hexabromocyclododecane on lipid and glucose metabolism in high-fat diet-induced obese mice. TOXICOLOGY LETTERS. 2013. 221. S252-S252
  • Shoji Yamamoto, Tin-Tin-Win-Shwe, Yasuhiro Yoshida, Naoki Kunugita, Keiichi Arashidani, Hidekazu Fujimaki. Suppression of_1- and_2-type immune responses in infant mouse spleen after prenatal and postnatal exposure to low-level toluene and peptidoglycan (vol 21, pg 793, 2009). INHALATION TOXICOLOGY. 2010. 22. 7. 618-618
  • Tin-Tin Win-Shwe, Shinji Tsukahara, Hidekazu Fujimaki. Developmental neuroimmunotoxicity: Changes in the expression of neuroimmune markers in the hippocampus of infant mice following early life toluene exposure. NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH. 2010. 68. E417-E417
講演・口頭発表等 (31件):
  • Social behavior and neuroimmune responses in valproic acid exposed autistic rat model.
    (The 41st Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan 2018)
  • Exposure to bisphenol A on novel object recognition ability and neuroimmune biomarkers in allergic asthmatic mice
    (Congress of Asia Pacific Allergy, Asthma and Immunology 2018 2018)
  • Perinatal exposure to secondary organic aerosol influences neurobehavioral development and inflammatory markers in rats
    (54th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology 2018)
  • Dietary exposure to flame retardant tris (2-butoxyethyl) phosphate alters cognitive function and inflammatory markers in brain of a mouse model of allergic asthma
    (The 41st meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society 2018)
  • Developmental exposure to secondary organic aerosol alters social dominance behavior and expression of neuroimmune biomarkers in rats
    (27th Symposium on Japan Environmental Chemistry 2018)
学歴 (1件):
  • 1999 - 2003 Yokohama City University Graduate School of Medicine Department of Physiology
受賞 (2件):
  • 2021/07 - 日本毒性学会2021 ファイザー賞 バルプロ酸誘発性自閉症のラットモデルにおける社会的行動、神経免疫マーカーおよびグルタミン酸デカルボキシラーゼレベル (J Toxicol Sci 2018;43(11):631-643. doi: 10.2131/jts.43.631)
  • 2006/09 - 23rd International Neurotoxicology Conference Best Post-doctoral Research T cell-mediated neuroprotective response in toxic chemical induced memory-related gene expressions in a mouse hippocampus
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