XU Qin, 伊藤安海, 伊藤安海, 土屋駿丞, 上運天和輝, 佐藤桂, 山田隆一. 簡易検査の組み合わせによる高齢ドライバの適切な運転能力評価手法の検討-富士河口湖町シニアドライバー支援事業における分析-. Journal of the Japanese Council of Traffic Science. 2023. 22. 2. 3-14
A Multifaceted Method for Evaluating the Driving Ability of Elderly Drivers: Toward Identifying Causes of Accidents Involving Elderly Drivers and Broadening the Recognition of Negligence Types. Proceedings of American Academy of Forensic Sciences 74th Annual Scientific Meeting. 2022. 28. 513-513
R. Okuwaki, Y. Ito, Q Xu, K. Sato. An Exploratory Survey of Driver’s Psychological Effects and Driving Evaluation on Music Using Heart Rate Variability Analysis. The proceeding of FAST-zero’19. 2019
K. Sato, S. Tsutsumi, Y. Saito. The confirmation the safety behavior of expert drivers and elderly drivers when passing through non signalized intersections. Proceeding of FAST-zero’17, Nara. 2017
Pilot study: Which has the greater impact on instantaneous muscle power, simple olfactory stimulation or odour hedonics?
(51st International Symposium on Essential Oils 2021)
The effect of aroma compounds on the discomfort while icing.
(50th International symposium on essential oil. 2019)
The effect of aroma compounds on airborne microbes for the enhancement of the comfort of vehicle interior.
(50th International symposium on essential oil 2019)
An Exploratory Survey of Driver’s Psychological Effects and Driving Evaluation on Music Using Heart Rate Variability Analysis
(FAST-zero’19,Virginia, USA 2019)