瀬尾知子, 今野菜穂子, 小野光代, 山名裕子. 「見守る」の先にある「受け止める」ということ -秋田大学教育文化学部附属幼稚園での保育実践-. CHILD RESEARCH NET. 2022
瀬尾知子. Why do Elementary and Junior High School Children in Akita Prefecture Have High Academic Ability? Focusing on children's daily habits and preschool education in Akita. CHILD RESEARCH NET. 2022
瀬尾知子. Childcare Practices in Japan and the United States: A Comparative Study Focusing on "Feeding Practices" at Mealtime in ECEC Facilities. CHILD RESEARCH NET. 2022
瀬尾知子. 秋田県の小・中学生はなぜ学力が高いのか -秋田県の子どもの生活習慣と就学前教育からの思案-. CHILD RESEARCH NRT. 2022