Olivia Kennedy, Noriaki Kuwahara, Tracy Noble, Chie Fukada. The effects of teacher nodding: exploring mimicry, engagement, and wellbeing in the EFL classroom. Frontiers in Education. 2024. 9
深田智. [Reviews] Fumino Horiuchi, English Prepositions in Usage Contexts: A Proposal for a Construction-Based Semantics Tokyo: Hituzi Syobo, 2022, 210pp. 認知言語学研究. 2023. 8. 119-125
A data-driven approach to characterize young children’s vocabulary development
(The 8th Lancaster International Conference on Infant and Early Child Development 2023)
Effects of viewpoint transformation in VR persist after removing HMD
Construction and evaluation of a self-attention model for semantic understanding of sentence-final particles
(Workshop on Constructive approaches to co-creative communication in Joint Conference on Language Evolution 2022)