J-GLOBAL ID:201801016350388267   更新日: 2024年04月22日

芹澤 成弘

セリザワ シゲヒロ | SERIZAWA Shigehiro
職名: 教授
研究分野 (1件): 理論経済学
研究キーワード (5件): 市場設計理論 ,  社会選択論 ,  オークション理論 ,  制度設計理論 ,  ゲーム理論
競争的資金等の研究課題 (26件):
  • 2022 - 2027 マーケット・デザインの最先端研究と社会実装
  • 2021 - 2026 オークション理論のフロンティアと応用
  • 2020 - 2025 マーケット・デザインの国際共同研究
  • 2020 - 2025 経済停滞と格差拡大:世界経済の危機と統一マクロ理論の構築
  • 2019 - 2022 大学の研究生産性の国際比較(経済学の場合)
論文 (39件):
  • Shigehiro Serizawa, Takehito Masuda, Toyotaka Sakai, Takuma Wakayama. “The Net Effect of Advice on Strategy-Proof Mechanisms: An Experiment for the Vickrey Auction,”. Experimental Economics, Vol. 25, Issue 3, 902-941. 2022. Forthcoming
  • 芹澤成弘, 柴田章久, 高橋悟. 経済・社会科学系4附置研究所及びシンガポール国立大学経済学部、香港大学経営経済学部の研究生産性比較調査(2021年). ISER Discussion Paper. 2022. 1173
  • Yuya Wakabayashi, Ryosuke Sakai, Shigehiro Serizawa. A Characterization of the Minimum Price Walrasian Rule with Reserve Prices for an Arbitrary Number of Agents and Objects. ISER Discussion Paper. 2022. 1161
  • Ryosuke Sakai, Shigehiro Serizawa. Strategy-proof mechanism design with non-quasi-linear preferences: ex-post revenue maximization for an arbitrary number of objects. Social Choice and Welfare. 2021. 60. 1-2. 103-120
  • Ryosuke Sakai, Shigehiro Serizawa. A Characterization of Minimum Price Walrasian Rule in Object Allocation Problem for an Arbitrary Number of Objects. Discussion Paper, Institute of Social and Economic Research Osaka University. 2021. 1134
MISC (15件):
  • Yu Zhou, Youngsub Chun, Shigehiro Serizawa. A Characterization of the Vickery Rule in Slot Allocation Problems. Discussion Paper, Institute of Social and Economic Research, Osaka University. 2021. 1120
  • Takehito Masuda, Ryo Mikami, Toyotaka Sakai, Shigehiro Serizawa, Takuma Wakayama. The Net Effect of Advice on Strategy-Proof Mechanisms: An Experiment for the Vickrey Auctionn. Discussion Paper, Institute of Social and Economic Research, Osaka University. 2020. 1109
  • Ryosuke Sakai, Shigehiro Serizawa. Strategy-Proof Mechanism Design with Non-Quasilinear Preferences: Ex-Post Revenue Maximization for an Arbitrary Number of Objects. Discussion Paper, Institute of Social and Economic Research, Osaka University. 2020
  • 二神 孝一, 神谷 和也, 芹澤 成弘. 5大学経済学研究科及び附置研究所の研究業績比較調査(2014年). 経済セミナー = The keizai seminar. 2015. 684. 71-77
  • 芹澤 成弘. ゲーム理論入門(vol.11・最終回)動学ゲーム(4)不完備情報動学ゲーム. 経済セミナー. 2008. 635. 90-101
講演・口頭発表等 (61件):
  • Minimum Price Equilibrium in the Assignment Market: The Serial Vickrey Mechanism
    (2022 INFORMS Annual Meeting 2022)
  • Minimum price equilibrium in the assignment market: The Serial Vickrey mechanism
    (Workshop on Mechanism Design and Welfare Economics 2022)
  • Factors causing non-sincere bidding in the Vickrey auction
    (2022 European ESA Meeting in Bologna 2022)
  • Minimum price equilibrium in the assignment market: The Serial Vickrey mechanism
    (2022 Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society in East and South-East Asia 2022)
  • Minimum price equilibrium in the assignment market: The Serial Vickrey mechanism
    (Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory 2022 Conference Australia 2022)
学位 (1件):
  • PhD(Economics),University of Rochester (University of Rochester)
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