Cho, Hiromi, Ishiguro, Kuniko. Organizational Strength and Individual Career: A Qualitative Study on Individual Career Formation in the Newspaper Industr. International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology. 2015. 6. 4. 309-315
Peter Matanle, Kuniko Ishiguro, Leo McCann. Popular Culture and Workplace Gendering among Varieties of Capitalism: Working Women and their Representation in Japanese Manga. GENDER WORK AND ORGANIZATION. 2014. 21. 5. 472-489
Ishiguro, Kuniko. 書評: Ellen V. Fuller (2009)『Going Global: Culture, Gender, and Authority in the Japanese Subsidiary of an American Corporation』 Philadelphia: Temple University Press. 2010. 83. 3. 608-610
石黒久仁子. 書評: 中村圭介 (2006), 『成果主義の真実』東京:東洋経済新報社. Social Science Japan Journal. 2007. 10. 2. 336-339
Ishiguro, Kuniko. レビュー論文: Thinking About Younger People’s Employment in 21st Century Japan. Electronic Journal of Contemporary Japanese Studies. 2007
石黒久仁子. 書評: Graham, Fiona (2005),『A Japanese Company in Crisis: Ideology, Strategy and Narrative』 London and New York: RoutlegeCurzon. Social Science Japan Journal. 2006. 9. 1. 141-143
Women’s advancement and empowerment in the global economy: A comparative study between Sweden and Japan
(Work, Employment and Society Conference 2018 (於:Belfast) 2018)
Advancement of Women in French Companies
(American Sociological Association 113th 2018 Annual Meeting (於:Philadelphia) 2018)
, British Association for Japanese Studies
, European Association for Japanese Studies
, Association for Asian Studies
, 国際ビジネス研究学会
, American Sociological Association
, British Sociological Association
, 日本社会学会