Xiaying Li, Xinglin Lei, Qi Li. Fault nucleation of tight sandstone by investigation of mechanical, acoustic, and hydraulic responses. Engineering Geology. 2021. 292
Hongyu Zhai, Xu Chang, Yibo Wang, Xinglin Lei, Ziqiu Xue. Analysis of acoustic emission events induced during stress unloading of a hydraulic fractured Longmaxi shale sample. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 2020. 189
Xiaying Li, Xinglin Lei, Qi Li. Response of Velocity Anisotropy of Shale Under Isotropic and Anisotropic Stress Fields. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. 2018. 51. 3. 695-711
Hongyu Zhai, Xu Chang, Yibo Wang, Ziqiu Xue, Xinglin Lei, Yi Zhang. Sensitivity Analysis of Seismic Velocity and Attenuation Variations for Longmaxi Shale during Hydraulic Fracturing Testing in Laboratory. ENERGIES. 2017. 10. 9
Xiaying Li, Xinglin Lei, Qi Li, Xiaochun Li. Experimental investigation of Sinian shale rock under triaxial stress monitored by ultrasonic transmission and acoustic emission. JOURNAL OF NATURAL GAS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING. 2017. 43. 110-123
Xinglin Lei, Shengli Ma. Laboratory acoustic emission study for earthquake generation process. Earthquake Science. 2014. 27. 6. 627-646
Naoyuki Kato, Xinglin Lei, Xueze Wen. A synthetic seismicity model for the Xianshuihe fault, southwestern China: simulation using a rate- and state-dependent friction law. GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL. 2007. 169. 1. 286-300
Ziqiu Xue, Xinglin Lei. Laboratory study of CO2 migration in water-saturated anisotropic sandstone, based on P-wave velocity imaging. EXPLORATION GEOPHYSICS. 2006. 37. 1. 10-18