Tatsuya Kubota, Osamu Sandanbata, Tatsuhiko Saito, Takanori Matsuzawa. Accelerating Seafloor Uplift of Submarine Caldera Near Sofugan Volcano, Japan, Resolved by Distant Tsunami Recordings. Geophysical Research Letters. 2024. 51. 12
Osamu Sandanbata, Tatsuhiko Saito. Quantifying Magma Overpressure Beneath a Submarine Caldera: A Mechanical Modeling Approach to Tsunamigenic Trapdoor Faulting Near Kita-Ioto Island, Japan. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 2023. 129. 1
Tatsuhiko Saito, Akemi Noda. Mechanically Coupled Areas on the Plate Interface in the Kanto Region, Central Japan, Generating Great Earthquakes and Slow-Slip Events. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. 2023
SatByul Kim, Tatsuhiko Saito, Tatsuya Kubota, Sung-Joon Chang. Joint inversion of ocean-bottom pressure and GNSS data from the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake. Earth, Planets and Space. 2023. 75. 113
Tatsuya Kubota, Tatsuhiko Saito, Ryota Hino. A new mechanical perspective on a shallow megathrust near-trench slip from the high-resolution fault model of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science. 2022. 9. 1. 68
久保田 達矢, 齊藤 竜彦, 西田 究. 特別講演 2022年1月15日のトンガの火山噴火に伴う全球規模の津波発生と伝播-Generation and propagation of global tsunami associated with the volcanic eruption in Tonga on January 15, 2022-近年の海域火山活動による我が国への影響. 海洋調査技術 = Journal of Japan Society for Marine Surveys and Technology. 2023. 35. 1. 23-26