Yuta Fujihashi, Akihito Ishizaki, Ryosuke Shimizu. Pathway selectivity in time-resolved spectroscopy using two-photon coincidence counting with quantum entangled photons. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 2024
Yuta Fujihashi, Kuniyuki Miwa, Masahiro Higashi, Akihito Ishizaki. Probing exciton dynamics with spectral selectivity through the use of quantum entangled photons. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 2023. 159. 11
Yuta Fujihashi, Akihito Ishizaki. Achieving two-dimensional optical spectroscopy with temporal and spectral resolution using quantum entangled three photons. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 2021. 155. 4. 044101-044101
Fujihashi, Yuta, Shimizu, Ryosuke, Ishizaki, Akihito. Generation of pseudo-sunlight via quantum entangled photons and the interaction with molecules. Physical Review Research. 2020. 2. 2. 023256