J-GLOBAL ID:201801019871092797   更新日: 2024年01月30日

松本 親樹

Matsumoto Shinji
研究分野 (1件): 環境政策、環境配慮型社会
競争的資金等の研究課題 (1件):
  • 2017 - 2019 東南アジア地域における環境低負荷型の地域発展を目指した資源開発由来の水質汚染対策
論文 (9件):
  • Shinji Matsumoto, Shunta Ogata, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka, Akihiro Hamanaka, Ginting Jalu Kusuma. Effects of ph-induced changes in soil physical characteristics on the development of soil water erosion. Geosciences (Switzerland). 2018. 8. 4
  • Shinji Matsumoto, Hideki Shimada, Takashi Sasaoka. Interaction between physical and chemical weathering of argillaceous rocks and the effects on the occurrence of acid mine drainage (AMD). GEOSCIENCES JOURNAL. 2017. 21. 3. 397-406
  • Matsumoto Shinji, Ishimatsu Hirotaka, Shimada Hideki, Sasaoka Takashi, Kusuma G-J, Gautama Rudy Sayoga. Placement of Waste Rocks in Waste Dump for Prevention of Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) by Cover System in Open Cast Coal Mine: Effects of Water Quality on AMD. Inżynieria Mineralna. 2017. 18. 1. 97-102
  • Matsumoto Shinji, Shimada Hideki, Sasaoka Takashi. The Key Factor of Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) in the History of the Contribution of Mining Industry to the Prosperity of the United States and South Africa: A Review. Natural Resources. 2016. 7. 07. 445
  • Matsumoto Shinji, Shimada Hideki, Sasaoka Takashi, Kusuma Ginting J, Gautama Rudy S. Construction of Dry Cover System for Prevention of Acid Mine Drainage at Mine Waste Dump in Open Cast Coal Mines, Indonesia. Journal of Environmental Protection. 2016. 7. 02. 160
MISC (3件):
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