Katsufumi Fukuda, Yasunori Ouchida. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) and the environment: Does CSR increase emissions?. Energy Economics. 2020. 92. 1-10
Lee, C. Y, Kaneko, S, Yoshida, Y, Hangcheng, S, Ichihashi, M, Fukuda, K. Equivalence Gain of the Global Financial Crisis: A Note. Arthaniti: Journal of Economic Theory and Practice. 2020
Katsufumi Fukuda. Estimation of Welfare Change due to the Trade Environment Change in China after Joining the World Trade Organization in 2001. Review of Economics and Institutions. 2019. 10. 2
福田勝文. Effects of Trade Liberalization on Growth and Welfare through Basic and Applied Researches. Journal of Macroeconomics. 2019. 62. 1-10
福田勝文. Trade Integration and Regional Income Disparities in a Growth Model with the Service Sector. Applied Economics Letters. 2019
Applied Analysis of Growth, Trade, and Public PolicyIn: Hosoe M, Kim ILT, Yabuta M, Lee W (eds.)
Springer Verlag 2019
講演・口頭発表等 (5件):
Effects of Trade Liberalization on Growth and Welfare through Basic and Applied Researches
(Finance and Economic Growth in the Aftermath of the Crisis 2017)
Tariff and Economic Growth with Firm Heterogeneity
(2016 年度日本応用経済学会春季大会 2016)
The Effect of Trade Liberalization in an Endogenous Growth Model with Heterogeneous Firms and Endogenous International Spillovers
(日本応用経済学会 学会創立10年記念大会 2015)
The Effect of Trade Liberalization in an Endogenous Growth Model with Heterogeneous Firms and Endogenous International Spillovers
(日本国際経済学会全国大会第73回大会 2014)
The effects of globalization on regional inequality in a model of semi-endogenous growth and footloose capital
(he 2014 APJAE Symposium on Economic Development in Asia: FDI, Financial Market Architectures, and International Migration 2014)
学位 (2件):
博士(経済学) (神戸大学)
修士(経済学) (神戸大学)
所属学会 (5件):
, 日本地域学会
, 日本応用経済学会
, 日本国際経済学会
, 日本経済学会