Yuki Tanida. The Relationship Between Word Length and Average Information Content in Japanese. Cognitive Science. 2023. 47. 6. e13302
Yuki Tanida, Satoru Saito. Predicting the Structure of a Lexical Environment from Properties of Verbal Working Memory. Cognitive Science. 2022. 46. 8. e13181
Satoru Saito, Masataka Nakayama, Yuki Tanida. Verbal Working Memory, Long-Term Knowledge, and Statistical Learning. Current Directions in Psychological Science. 2020. 29. 4. 340-345
Yuki Tanida, Masataka Nakayama, Satoru Saito. The interaction between temporal grouping and phonotactic chunking in short-term serial order memory for novel verbal sequences. Memory. 2018. 27. 4. 507-518
Yuki Tanida, Masahiko Okamoto. Complexity of processing to activate magnitude representation for common fractions and precision of their magnitude representations in fraction magnitude comparison. CogSci2021, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. 2021. 43. 3400-3400
Yuki Tanida, Atsushi Kumamoto, Masahiko Okamoto. Working memory components underpinning the magnitude representation of common fractions in Japanese university students. 21st Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology. 2019. PS3.67. 296
Tanida, Y, Okamoto, M. Numerical Distance Effect on Fraction Comparison Involving Common Fractions: Which Common Fractions Have More Precise Magnitude Representations Than Uncommon Fractions?. International Convention of Psychological Science. 2019
Taniguchi, S, Tanida, Y, Okamoto, M. Effect of denominator in the fraction on number line estimation: an exploration of the list of the basic fraction in Japanese university students. CogSci2018. 2018
Taniguchi, S, Tanida, Y, Okamoto, M. An attempt to investigate the anchor point of 1/2 for fraction magnitude representations using the number line estimation task. 20th Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology. 2017
The role of temporal factors and long-term phonotactic knowledge in verbal short-term memory
(International Conference on Working Memory 2014)
The influences of long-term prosodic knowledge on delayed nonword repetition
(卓越した大学院拠点形成支援補助金プロジェクト 若手国際ワークショップ"Psychological Science in Education" 2014)
(日本認知心理学会第11回大会 2013)
Effects of phonotactic and prosodic knowledge on phonological short-term memory
(Design Psychology Workshop on Memory and Language 2013)