2012 - 国際学会10th International Congress on Plant Molecular Biologyへの参加渡航費補助
2007 - 2010 オオバナノエンレイソウにおける繁殖様式の進化に関する研究
論文 (22件):
Naofumi Yoshida, Shin-Ichi Morinaga, Takeshi Wakamiya, Yuu Ishii, Shosei Kubota, Kouki Hikosaka. Does selection occur at the intermediate zone of two insufficiently isolated populations? A whole-genome analysis along an altitudinal gradient. Journal of Plant Research. 2022. 136. 2. 183-199
Ryo Maekawa, Takuya Mitani, Satomi Ishizaki, Shosei Kubota, Masashi Ohara. Asymmetrical hybridization between Trillium apetalon and T. tschonoskii for the formation of a hybrid T. miyabeanum (Melanthiaceae). Plant Systematics and Evolution. 2022. 308. 2
A. Kanno, K. Ishino, S. Kubota. Applicability of two male specific DNA markers for sex identification of various Asparagus species. Acta Horticulturae. 2020. 1301. 43-48
Pattamon Sangin, Shosei Kubota, Akira Kanno. Isolation of an AGAMOUS homolog from Zamia muricata. Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology. 2020. 42. 365-370