J-GLOBAL ID:201802217867993206   整理番号:18A1227077


Implicit attitudes: How has the cognitive approach influenced studies on attitudes in social psychology?
著者 (1件):
巻: 36  号:ページ: 222-229(J-STAGE)  発行年: 2018年 
JST資料番号: X0414A  ISSN: 0287-7651  資料種別: 逐次刊行物 (A)
発行国: 日本 (JPN)  言語: 日本語 (JA)
引用文献 (43件):
  • Allport, G. W. (1935). Attitudes. In C. Murchison (Ed.), Handbook of social psychology (pp. 798-844), Worcester, MA: Clark University Press.
  • Banaji, M. R., & Heiphetz, L. (2010). Attitudes. In S. T. Fiske, D. T. Gilbert, & G. Lindzey (Eds.), <i>Handbook of social psychology</i> (pp. 348-388). New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Barden, J., Maddux, W. W., Petty, R. E., & Brewer, M. B. (2004). Contextual moderation of racial bias: The impact of social roles on controlled and automatically activated attitudes. <i>Journal of Personality and Social Psychology</i>, <i>87</i>, 5-22. https://dx.doi.org/10.1037/0022-3514.87.1.5
  • Bargh, J. (1994). The four horsemen of automaticity: Awareness, efficiency, intentions and control. In R. S. Wyer, & T. K. Srull (Eds.), <i>Handbook of social cognition</i> (2nd ed., Vol. 1, pp. 1-40). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
  • Blair, I. V., Ma, J. E., & Lenton, A. P. (2001). Imagining stereotypes away: The moderation of implicit stereotypes through mental imagery. <i>Journal of Personality and Social Psychology</i>, <i>81</i>, 828-841. https://doi.org/10.1037/0022-3514.81.5.828
