研究キーワード (4件):
Inclusive Education
, Specific Learning Difficulties
, Language Teacher Training
, English Language Teaching and Learning
競争的資金等の研究課題 (1件):
2019 - 2024 Identifying and addressing students' SpLDs and potential SpLDs in English as a foreign language in Japanese higher education
論文 (7件):
J. C. Koch Jr, Risa Takashima. Exploring Students' Intercultural Sensitivity in the EFL Classroom. International Journal of TESOL Studies. 2021. 3. 1. 88-100
Language learning disabilities in higher education: a multidisciplinary approach. IATEFL 2018 - Conference Selections. 2019
Cooperative development and Japanese graduate-school teachers: a case analysis. 札幌学院大学人文学会紀要. 2018. 104. 41-53
ジョアオ・カルロス・コホ Jr, 髙島 理沙. The Power of an Educator:Occupational Therapist Team. The Language Teacher. 2016. 40. 3. 31-32
ジョアオ・カルロス・コホ Jr. Speech to Text in One-to-one Tutoring - Past, Present and Future of Speech Recognition Technologies and a Suggested Action Plan. 苫小牧駒澤大学紀要. 2015. 30. 30. 1,3-18
Foreign language learning and specific learning difficulties: How can we make our language classrooms more inclusive?
(20th Annual CamTESOL Conference in ELT 2024)
Using critical pedagogy to teach social issues & culture: A qualitative enquiry on English language teacher perspectives
(DIELE - Diversity and Inclusivity in Language Education 2022)
Dyslexia in Japanese EFL Classrooms: How Can We Identify Students at Risk?
(JALT Annual International Conference on Language Teaching 2022)
Raising Awareness of Social Issues and Culture in ELT via Critical Pedagogy
(JALT 2021 2021)