Kohei Koizumi, Kumiko Sasao, Yoshihiro Senju, Toyohiro Hamaguchi. Power-Assisted Scissors Reduce Adductor Pollicis Muscle Fatigue: A Comparative Study in Female College Students. Applied Sciences. 2024. 14. 23. 11375-11375
Jun Tayama, Toyohiro Hamaguchi, Kohei Koizumi, Ryodai Yamamura, Ryo Okubo, Jun ichiro Kawahara, Kenji Inoue, Atsushi Takeoka, Shin Fukudo. Efficacy of an eHealth self-management program in reducing irritable bowel syndrome symptom severity: a randomized controlled trial. Scientific Reports. 2024. 14. 1
Yoshifumi Amano, Kouhei Koizumi, Hirokazu Takizawa, Toyohiro Hamaguchi. Cravings for alcohol in alcohol use disorders are associated with attention deviation to alcohol: An observational study of Japanese in-patients. Medicine. 2023. 102. 10. e33222-e33222
Jun Tayama, Toyohiro Hamaguchi, Kohei Koizumi, Ryodai Yamamura, Ryo Okubo, Jun-ichiro Kawahara, Kenji Inoue, Atsushi Takeoka, Antonius Schneider, Shin Fukudo. Efficacy of a self-management program using an eHealth system to reduce symptom severity in patients with irritable bowel syndrome simultaneously with changes in gut microbiota: a randomized controlled trial. medRxiv. 2022
Kohei Koizumi, Toyohiro Hamaguchi, Jun Tayama, Shin Fukudo. A Method of Generating a Classifier that Determines the Presence or Absence of IBS Symptoms by Supervised Learning from the Frequency Analysis of Electroencephalogram Data. Frontiers in Bioscience-Landmark. 2022. 27. 6. 187-187
小泉浩平, 濱口豊太. がん患者の前向きな生活を支援する心理・運動介入方略. Medical Science Digest. 2024. 50. 6. 46-47
Hirokazu takizawa, Kohei koizumi, Jun tayama, Toyohiro hamaguchi. Attention bias in stroke patients is affected by psychological state and cognitive function. The 19th Congress of the Asian College of Psychosomatic Medicine. 2022
Kohei Koizumi, Toyohiro Hamaguchi, Jun Tayama, Shin Fukudo. Support vector machine-based classifier to determine the presence or absence of IBS symptoms by Frequency Analysis of Electroencephalogram Data. The 19th Congress of the Asian College of Psychosomatic Medicine. 2022