Target Effect on the Determinant of Accounts Payable. Hokusei Review, the School of Economic. 2023. 62. 2. 47-60
書籍 (1件):
創成社 2021
講演・口頭発表等 (19件):
Home-Field Advantage in the Use of Accounts Payable
(第2回厚別経済研究会 2022)
Target Effect on the Determinant of Accounts Payable: Evidence from Acquisitions among Japanese Listed Companies
(The 30th Anniversary Annual Conference 2022)
Home-field advantage in the use of accounts payable
(2021年度日本応用経済学会春季大会 2021)
Inventory as a Liquidity Provision Channel
(日本ファイナンス学会第28回大会 2020)
Inventory as a Liquidity Provision Channel
(2020年度日本応用経済学会春季大会 2020)