Yusuke Minato, Akiko Nakano-Doi, Seishi Maeda, Takayuki Nakagomi, Hideshi Yagi. A Bone Morphogenetic Protein Signaling Inhibitor, LDN193189, Converts Ischemia-Induced Multipotent Stem Cells into Neural Stem/Progenitor Cell-Like Cells. Stem cells and development. 2022. 31. 23-24. 756-765
Seishi Maeda, Yusuke Minato, Sachi Kuwahara-Otani, Hiroki Yamanaka, Mitsuyo Maeda, Yosky Kataoka, Hideshi Yagi. Morphology of Schwann Cell Processes Supports Renal Sympathetic Nerve Terminals With Local Distribution of Adrenoceptors. The journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry : official journal of the Histochemistry Society. 2022. 70. 7. 495-513
Kei Kimura, Yuko Kuroda, Yuta Masuda, Arito Yamane, Hikaru Hattori, Kenichi Tahara, Ayaka Kaneko, Itsumi Suda, Noriyuki Takahashi, Nanami Gotoh, et al. Loop Regulation Between microRNAs and Epigenetics Underlie microRNA Dysregulation in Multiple Myeloma and Is Associated with the Disease Progression. BLOOD. 2015. 126. 23
Yuko Kuroda, Kei Kimura, Yuta Masuda, Arito Yamane, Hikaru Hattori, Kenichi Tahara, Ayaka Kaneko, Itsumi Suda, Noriyuki Takahashi, Gotoh Nanami, et al. Long Non-Coding RNA MALAT1 Is Associated with the Progression of Multiple Myeloma and Induced By Cellular Stress. BLOOD. 2015. 126. 23
Noriyuki Takahashi, Takayuki Saitoh, Nanami Gotoh, Kei Kimura, Yuko Kuroda, Kie Nagai, Tomomi Nagashima, Tetsuhiro Kasamatsu, Yusuke Minato, Hiroaki Shimizu, et al. Th1 Polarization of Cytokine and Cytokine Receptor Polymorphisms Affect the Susceptibility and Severity of ITP. BLOOD. 2015. 126. 23