Shu-hei Urashima, Keisuke Narahara, Hiroharu Yui. The Raman spectra of freshly cleaved pyrrhotites: The effect of atmospheric weathering and laser-induced oxidation. JOURNAL OF RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY. 2022. in press(受理8月、印刷待ち)
Shu-hei Urashima, Tomoya Nishioka, Hiroharu Yui. Micro-Raman spectroscopic analysis on natural carbonates: linear relations found via biaxial plotting of peak frequencies for cation substituted species. ANALYTICAL SCIENCES. 2022. 38. 921-929
Aruto Kashima, Shu-hei Urashima, Hiroharu Yui. Identifying the polymorphs of serpentine with micro-Raman spectroscopy: Clear separation in biaxial plots. JOURNAL OF RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY. 2022. 53. 1312-1320
Yoshitaka Ono, Yasuo Hayashi, Shu-hei Urashima, Hiroharu Yui. Glass etching with gaseous hydrogen fluoride: Rapid management of surface nano-roughness. International Journal of Applied Glass Science. 2022
Heterogeneous hydrogen-bonding structure of water confined at hydrophilic/hydrophobic interface studied by surface-selective vibrational spectroscopy
(Pacifichem 2021 2021)
Identifying Polymorphs of Serpentine with Micro-Raman Spectroscopy
(The 12th Symposium on Polar Science 2021)
An attempt for estimating aqueous alteration environment from Raman spectra of iron sulfide
(The 12th Symposium on Polar Science 2021)