J-GLOBAL ID:201901010067582447   更新日: 2024年07月17日

楊 廸倫

ヤン ディールン | Di-Lun Yang
職名: 助研究員(助教相当)
研究分野 (1件): 素粒子、原子核、宇宙線、宇宙物理にする理論
研究キーワード (5件): high-energy heavy ion collisions ,  Quantum Chromodynamics ,  quark-gluon plasma ,  quantum transport theory ,  quantum field theory
競争的資金等の研究課題 (1件):
  • 2020 - 2024 Investigation on quantum transport associated with chirality and vorticity in quantum chromodynamics
論文 (19件):
  • Avdhesh Kumar, Di-Lun Yang, Philipp Gubler. Spin alignment of vector mesons by second-order hydrodynamic gradients. Physical Review D. 2024
  • Naoki Yamamoto, Di-Lun Yang. Chiral kinetic theory with self-energy corrections and neutrino spin Hall effect. Physical Review D. 2024
  • Shuo Fang, Shi Pu, Di-Lun Yang. Spin polarization and spin alignment from quantum kinetic theory with self-energy corrections. Physical Review D. 2024
  • Cong Yi, Xiang-Yu Wu, Di-Lun Yang, Jian-Hua Gao, Shi Pu, Guang-You Qin. Probing vortical structures in heavy-ion collisions at RHIC-BES energies through helicity polarization. Physical Review C. 2024
  • Avdhesh Kumar, Berndt Müller, Di-Lun Yang. Spin alignment of vector mesons by glasma fields. Physical Review D. 2023
MISC (31件):
講演・口頭発表等 (32件):
  • Quantum kinetic theory for chiral and spin transport in relativistic heavy ion collisions and core-collapse supernovae
    (iTHEMS Theoretical Physics Seminar (online), RIKEN, Wako, Japan 2021)
  • Wigner functions and quantum kinetic theory of polarized photons
    (Hadron Theory Group seminar (online), University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan 2020)
  • Review of quantum kinetic theory for spin transport
    (Spin and Hydrodynamics in Relativistic Nuclear Collisions (online), ECT* Trento, Italy 2020)
  • Spin polarization and quantum transport in relativistic heavy ion collisions
    (REIMEI Workshop on Universal Features of Quantum Flows with Spin, Orbital and Tensor Correlations 2020)
  • Quantum kinetic theory for spin transport and anomalous effects
    (Osaka University nuclear theory seminar, Osaka, Japan 2020)
学歴 (2件):
  • 2009 - 2014 Duke University Dept. of Physics PhD
  • 2003 - 2007 National Taiwan University Dept. of Physics BS
学位 (1件):
  • PhD (Duke University)
経歴 (6件):
  • 2021/04 - 現在 中央研究院 (台湾) 助研究員
  • 2019/04 - 2021/03 慶應義塾大学 理工学部 助教(有期)
  • 2018/09 - 2019/03 京都大学基礎物理学研究所 特任助教
  • 2015/09 - 2018/08 理研仁科センター 国際/基礎科学特別研究員.
  • 2014/10 - 2015/08 Crete Center for Theoretical Physics, University of Crete ポスドク研究員
受賞 (1件):
  • 2018/11 - Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Humboldt Research Fellowship (declined)
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