- 2024/04 - International Computer Music Association International Computer Music Conference 入選 (音楽作品) Conversations Beyond Code: Bridging Human Creativity and Algorithms
- 2024/04 - International Computer Music Association International Computer Music Conference 入選 (インスタレーション) 100 fragments
- 2024/01 - ICLC (International Conference on Live Coding) International Conference on Live Coding 2024 入選 Conversations Beyond Code: Bridging Human Creativity and Algorithms
- 2020/02 - ICLC (International Conference on Live Coding) International Conference on Live Coding 2020 入選 Danceable Polymeters
- 2019/08 - FARM (The ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop of Functional Art, Music Modeling) The ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop of Functional Art, Music Modeling 2019 入選 Algorave 2019 set
- 2019/08 - FARM (The ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop of Functional Art, Music Modeling) 入選 Algorave 2019 set
- 2019/01 - ICLC (International Conference on Live Coding) International Conference on Live Coding 2019 入選 Algorave 100 fragments
- 2017/12 - ICLC (International Conference on Live Coding) International Conference on Live Coding 2017入選 A Voyage into Synethesic Space
- 2016/10 - ICLC (International Conference on Live Coding) International Conference on Live Coding 2016入選 Synethesic Stream
- 2016/09 - FARM (The ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop of Functional Art, Music Modeling) The ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop of Functional Art, Music Modeling 2016 入選 Synethesic Stream
- 2016/09 - FARM (The ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop of Functional Art, Music Modeling) 入選 Synethesic Stream
- 2016/06 - NIME (New Interfaces for Musical Expression) New Interfaces for Musical Expression 2016 入選 Membranes
- 2016/06 - NIME (New Interfaces for Musical Expression) 入選 Membranes
- 2015/09 - International Computer Music Association International Computer Music Conference 2015 入選 Membranes
- 2015/09 - International Computer Music Association 入選 Membranes
- 1996/08 - ICMC (International Computer Music Conference) International Computer Music Conference 1996 入選 Transition for Tape
- 1996/08 - International Computer Music Association 入選 Transition for Tape