- 2019/06 - 20th EFORT Annual Congress Lisbon 2019 Best Poster Award (Jacques Duparc Awards) Endochondral Bone Regeneration Using Chondrogenically Differentiated Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells.
- 2019/06 - 20th EFORT Annual Congress Lisbon 2019 Best Poster Presentation Award Soluble fibrin monomer complex can be a useful predictor of venous thromboembolism after fracture surgery.
- 2019/05 - The 4th AOTrauma Asia Pacific Scientific Congress Young Investigator Award Effect of Transcutaneous Application of CO2 on Bone Regeneration in Distraction Osteogenesis
- 2018/11 - 第16回国際骨折治療学会 Best Case Report Award Infectious open-knee joint fracture with soft tissue defect treated with antimicrobial megaprosthesis supported with iodine: a case report
- 2018/11 - 第16回国際骨折治療学会 Best Presentation Award (Clinical study) Topical cutaneous application of carbon dioxide using ahydrogel is anovel treatment option to assist fracture repair -Results of a clinical trial-
- 2017/07 - 第43回日本骨折治療学会 学会賞 炭酸ガス経皮吸収は安全に骨折患者の患肢血流を増加できる -臨床試験の報告-
- 2013/05 - The 14th European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery. Best Oral Presentation Award Local Transplantation of G-CSF-Mobilized CD34+ Cells for Patients with Femoral and Tibial Nonunion: Phase 1/2 Clinical Trial.
- 2010/10 - The 7th Combined meeting of Orthopaedic Research Societies New Investigator Recognition Award Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor-Mobilized CD34-Positive Progenitor Cell Transplantation for Nonunion of Bone Fractures
- 2010/03 - The 56th Orthopaedic Research Society New Investigator Research Award Finalist The New Strategy for Fracture Healing of Pseudoarthrosis by Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor-Mobilized CD34-Positive Progenitor Cells
- 2010/03 - 第9回日本再生医療学会総会 ベストポスター賞 ゼラチンハイドロゲルに包含した 低用量シンバスタチン局所投与による骨折治療