Kaoru Hidaka, Masanori Kubota, Taku Yukawa. Life after exile: Introducing a new dataset on post-exile fate. Conflict Management and Peace Science. 2024
Yuki Matsuura, Masanori Kubota, Kaoru Hidaka, Taku Yukawa. Who Pursues the Bomb? Leaders’Education Abroad and the Development of Weapons of Mass Destruction. OSIPP Discussion Paper. 2024
Kaori Kushima, Taku Yukawa, Kaoru Hidaka, Masanori Kubota. What do you call the political upheaval? the conceptual linkage between revolutions and coups. Democratization. 2023. 30. 5. 836-854
Taku Yukawa, Kaoru Hidaka, Masanori Kubota, Kaori Kushima. Losing power safely: Explaining the variation in dictators' responses to anti-regime protests. Politics & Policy. 2022. 50. 2. 274-297
What Do We Call a Political Upheaval? The Blurred Boundary between Coup and Revolution
(International Studies Association Annual Convention, Honolulu, 2020 2020)