J-GLOBAL ID:201901018790321784   更新日: 2019年12月06日

田代 博之

hiroyuki tashiro
職名: 教授
研究キーワード (2件): 固気二相流 ,  流体工学
論文 (3件):
  • 田代 博之. Investigation of the motion of single plug and its constituent particles in a horizontal pneumatic pipeline. Proc. of Int. Symposium of Reliable Flow of Particulate Solids. 2017. 1A2
  • 田代 博之. Investigation for Properties of Single Plug during Pneumatic Conveying. Proc. of 15th Int. Freight Pipeline Society Symposium. 2014. Paper No.33
  • 田代 博之. Motion of Coarse Particles in a Horizontal Pneumatic Pipe. Proc. of the Int. Symposium Reliable Flow of Particulate Solids IV. 2008. 648-653
学位 (1件):
  • 工学博士 (大阪大学)
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