Hiroshi Teramoto, Katsusuke Nabeshima. Comprehensive standard system for generalized mixed module and its application to singularity theory. Journal of Algebra and Its Applications. 2024. 23. 13
Shinichi Tajima, Katsusuke Nabeshima. A Deterministic Method for Computing Bertini Type Invariants of Parametric Ideals. Mathematics in Computer Science. 2024. 18. 3. 14-14
Shinichi Tajima, Katsusuke Nabeshima. An implementation of the Suwa method for computing first order infinitesimal versal unfoldings of codimension one complex analytic singular foliations. Journal of Computational Algebra. 2024. 10. 100015-100015
Katsusuke Nabeshima. Generic Gröbner basis of a parametric ideal and its application to a comprehensive Gröbner system. Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing. 2024. 35. 1. 55-70
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鍋島 克輔, 田島 慎一. 正次元イデアルのネター作用素の計算と特異点-Noetherian operators of positive dimensional ideals and hypersurface singularities-Computer Algebra : Foundations and Applications. 数理解析研究所講究録. 2023. 2255. 75-87
鍋島 克輔. イデアル商を用いた包括的グレブナー基底系計算について-日本数式処理学会第31回大会報告. 数式処理 = Bulletin of the Japan Society for Symbolic and Algebraic Computation. 2023. 29. 1. 13-16
鍋島 克輔, 田島 慎一. CSSg method for several genericities of deformations of hypersurface singularities-可微分写像の特異点論及びその応用. 数理解析研究所講究録. 2022. 2226. 1-15