Ren Oyama. Exploring Japanese university students’ repertoire of polite request expressions, affect, and well-being in language learning. TELES Journal (東北英語教育学会研究紀要). 2024. 44. 1-15
Ren Oyama. Exploring the relationships between enjoyment, self-efficacy, engagement, and vocabulary learning in Japanese learners of English. The Journal of Asia TEFL. 2022. 19. 4. 1163-1180
Ren Oyama. Enjoyment, emotional Intelligence, and strategy use in Japanese university students: A longitudinal study in a distance-learning course. Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan (ARELE). 2022. 33. 17-32
Ren Oyama. The effects of affective input enhancement on second language development in Japanese university students. The Journal of Asia TEFL. 2020. 17. 1. 1-17