J-GLOBAL ID:201901020914066529   更新日: 2024年04月09日

土岡 俊介

Tsuchioka Shunsuke
研究分野 (1件): 代数学
論文 (12件):
  • Motoki Takigiku, Shunsuke Tsuchioka. A PROOF OF CONJECTURED PARTITION IDENTITIES OF NANDI. American Journal of Mathematics. 2024. 146. 2. 405-433
  • Shunsuke Tsuchioka. A proof of the second Rogers-Ramanujan identity via Kleshchev multipartitions. Proceedings of the Japan Academy Series A: Mathematical Sciences. 2023. 99. 3. 23-26
  • Motoki Takigiku, Shunsuke Tsuchioka. Andrews-gordon type series for the level 5 and 7 standard modules of the affine lie algebra A(2)2. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 2021. 149. 7. 2763-2776
  • Shunsuke Tsuchioka. A local characterization of B2 regular crystals. Proceedings of the Japan Academy Series A: Mathematical Sciences. 2021. 97. 8. 51-56
  • Shunsuke Tsuchioka. BMR Freeness for Icosahedral Family. Experimental Mathematics. 2020. 29. 2. 234-245
MISC (5件):
  • Shashank Kanade, Matthew C. Russell, Shunsuke Tsuchioka, S. Ole Warnaar. Remarks on the conjectures of Capparelli, Meurman, Primc and Primc. 2024
  • Shunsuke Tsuchioka. A vertex operator reformulation of the Kanade-Russell conjecture modulo 9. 2022
  • Shunsuke Tsuchioka. A Fibonacci variant of the Rogers-Ramanujan identities via crystal energy. 2022
  • Shunsuke Tsuchioka. An example of $A_2$ Rogers-Ramanujan bipartition identities of level 3. 2022
  • Shunsuke Tsuchioka, Masaki Watanabe. Schur partition theorems via perfect crystal. 2016
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