J-GLOBAL ID:201902210678009454   整理番号:19A1571347


著者 (1件):
巻: 18  号:ページ: 19-28  発行年: 2019年04月20日 
JST資料番号: F2267A  ISSN: 1347-1341  資料種別: 逐次刊行物 (A)
発行国: 日本 (JPN)  言語: 日本語 (JA)
引用文献 (14件):
  • 宮下光令・今井涼・生恒藤暁,2016,わが国のホスピス・緩和ケア病棟の実態.ホスピス・緩和ケア白書2016,日本ホスピス・緩和ケア研究振興財団.
  • Anita L. Stewart ・ Joan Teno ・ Donald L.Patrick,1999, The Concept of Quality of Life of Dying Persons in the Context of Health Care, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management,17(2): 15.
  • Cohen SR ・ Mount BM ・ Strobel MG ・ ,1995, The McGill Quality of Life Questionnaire: a measure of quality of life appropriate for people with advanced disease. A preliminary study of validity and acceptability, Palliat Med, 9: 207-219.
  • Cohen SR ・ Mount BM ・ Bruera E ・ , 1997, Validity of the McGill Quality of Life Questionnaire in the palliative care setting: a multi-centre Canadian study demonstrating the importance of the existential domain, Palliat Med, 11:3-20.
  • Cohen SR ・ Hassan SA ・ Lapointe BJ ・ , 1996, Quality of life in HIV disease as measured by the McGill Quality of Life Questionnaire,AIDS,10: 1421-1427.
タイトルに関連する用語 (5件):
