J-GLOBAL ID:201902230808944335   整理番号:19A0147299


Does supervision protect care staff from heavy working stress?-Focusing on Relations between Frequency of Supervision and Perceived Levels of Workload and Work intensity-
著者 (5件):
巻: 11  号:ページ: 1-10  発行年: 2018年03月 
JST資料番号: L8038A  ISSN: 1882-6962  資料種別: 逐次刊行物 (A)
発行国: 日本 (JPN)  言語: 英語 (EN)
引用文献 (21件):
  • Abe, M. (2014). Job Awareness of the Certified Care Workers for a Special Elderly Nursing Home - From the Research of Certified Analysis Using Text Mining -. Research Journal of Care and Welfare. 21(1). 54-61.
  • Blau, Peter M. (1960). Orientation Toward Clients in a Public Welfare Agency. Administrative Science Quarterly. 5. 341-361.
  • Center for Care Work Stability (2016) Heisei 28, the results of the Care Work Survey Report. http://care-net.biz/kaigo-center/hp/chosa/report/平成28年度介護労働実態調査結果について20(1.2M).pdf
  • Fukuyama, K. (1998). Influences of Selected Characteristics of Professional Supervision on Job Satisfaction, Productivity and Autonomy of Professional Social Workers in Japan. A Doctoral Dissertation, National Catholic School of Social Service of the Catholic University of America.
  • Fukuyama, K. (2005). Study on Understanding of Human Being. Supervision Method for Supporting Social Work Practice. 192. Minerva Shobo.
タイトルに関連する用語 (4件):
