J-GLOBAL ID:202001001625715701   更新日: 2024年06月25日

ウルフ デビッド

Wolf David
研究キーワード (1件): Environmental Economics; Nonmarket Valuation; Water Quality; Land Use
競争的資金等の研究課題 (3件):
  • 2024 - 2027 Investigating the Distributional Impacts of Hurricane Wind Damage on Housing Price and Housing Repair
  • 2021 - 2024 気候変動に適応する包摂的な経済システムの基礎的研究
  • 2020 - 2022 Modeling Linkages Between Land Development And Water Quality in Freshwater Lakes
論文 (12件):
  • Will Georgic, Goran Skosples, David Wolf, Robert J. Gitter. Too close to the sun: solar farms’ impact on housing prices at subtropical latitudes. Applied Economics Letters. 2024. 1-5
  • David Wolf, Nicholas Irwin. Is it really bridging the gap? Fiber internet's impact on housing values and homebuyer demographics. Journal of Regional Science. 2023
  • David Wolf, Kenji Takeuchi. Holding back the storm: Dam capitalization in residential and commercial property values. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. 2022. 116. 102732-102732
  • Nicholas Irwin, David Wolf. Time is money: Water quality's impact on home liquidity and property values. Ecological Economics. 2022. 199. 107482-107482
  • David Wolf, H. Allen Klaiber, Sathya Gopalakrishnan. Beyond marginal: Estimating the demand for water quality. Resource and Energy Economics. 2022. 68. 101299-101299
講演・口頭発表等 (26件):
  • Batten Down the Hatches: Hedonic Valuation of Private Hurricane Protection
    (Kyoto Environment and Development (KED) Seminar 2024)
  • Batten Down the Hatches: Hedonic Valuation of Private Hurricane Protection
    (The 28th SEEPS (Society for Environmental Economics and Policy Studies) Annual Conference 2023)
  • The Importance of Market Boundaries: Hedonic Valuation of Risk Following the Tohoku Earthquake
    (Asian Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 2023)
  • The Importance of Market Boundaries: Hedonic Valuation of Risk Following the Tohoku Earthquake
    (Workshop on Climate and Environmental Economics Waseda University 2023)
  • The Importance of Market Boundaries: Hedonic Valuation of Risk Following the Tohoku Earthquake
    (J-Tree Seminar Series 2023)
学歴 (1件):
  • 2013 - 2018 Ohio State University Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics
学位 (3件):
  • Ph.D. in Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics (Ohio State University)
  • M.S. in Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics (Ohio State University)
  • B.A. in Economics and Philosophy (Saint John’s University)
経歴 (2件):
  • 2020/04 - 現在 神戸大学 大学院経済学研究科
  • 2018/08 - 2020 The University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Economics
受賞 (4件):
  • 2023/10 - Society for Environmental Economics and Policy Studies Young Achievement Award Holding Back the Storm: Dam Capitalization in Residential and Commercial Property Values
  • 2022 - Western Regional Science Association Stough-Johansson Springer Award's Best Paper by an Early Career Scholar
  • 2019/07 - Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award
  • 2016 - Ohio State University Department of AED Economics Bernie Erven Teaching Award
所属学会 (3件):
Society for Environmental Economics and Policy Studies ,  Association of Environmental and Resource Economists ,  Agricultural and Applied Economics Association
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