J-GLOBAL ID:202001002432280356   更新日: 2024年08月09日

J サンプソン リチャード

サンプソン リチャード | J SAMPSON Richard
研究分野 (1件): 外国語教育
研究キーワード (5件): Emotions in Social Interaction ,  Practitioner Research ,  Complexity Thinking ,  L2 Learner Psychology ,  Second Language Development
競争的資金等の研究課題 (3件):
  • 2024 - 2028 Social emergence of additional language study emotions
  • 2019 - Interactions between language learner emotion, feeling and identity
  • 2015 - 2018 Other-expectations and motivation in classroom English learning
論文 (33件):
  • Richard J. Sampson. Scaffolding emotional communication in an L2 discussion course: strategies for talking around the facemask. The Language Learning Journal. 2024. 1-14
  • Richard J. Sampson. The emergence of gratitude in L2 group discussion: A small-lens study. System. 2024. 123. 1-15
  • Richard J. Sampson. Diversity of Intuitive Moments in L+ Practitioner Research: An Exploratory Autoethnographic Case Study. Journal for the Psychology of Language Learning. 2023. 5. 2
  • Richard J. Sampson, Richard S. Pinner. Introduction to the Special Issue: Intuition and Practitioner Research. Journal for the Psychology of Language Learning. 2023. 5. 2
  • Richard J. Sampson, Ema Ushioda, Richard S. Pinner, Sal Consoli. The ethics and practice of L+ classroom research. Language Teaching. 2023. 56. 3. 438-441
MISC (2件):
  • Richard J Sampson. Review of 'Complexity Theory and Language Development: In Celebration of Diane Larsen-Freeman'. JALT Journal. 2019
  • Richard J Sampson. Review of 'Identity, motivation, and autonomy in language learning'. JALT Journal. 2013
書籍 (10件):
  • Complexity in Second Language Study Emotions: Emergent Sensemaking in Social Context
    Routledge 2022 ISBN:9781032308449
  • From Darkness to Light: Teacher Immunity and the Emergence of Relatedness with Students. Chapter in Kimura, Y., Yang, L., Kim, T-Y., & Nakata, Y., Language Teacher Motivation, Autonomy and Development in East Asia (pp. 77-94)
    Springer 2022
  • Research into L+ study emotions: Practitioner-researcher suggestions for future directions (pp. 85-92 in Jessica Mackay & Thomas Wogan, ELT Research in Action: Working Together Towards Shared Goals)
    IATEFL 2022
  • Preface (pp. 7-9 in Jessica Mackay & Thomas Wogan, ELT Research in Action: Working Together Towards Shared Goals)
    IATEFL 2022 ISBN:9781912588466
  • Interacting Levels and Timescales in the Emergence of Feelings in the L2 Classroom (Chapter in R.J. Sampson & R.S. Pinner, Complexity Perspectives on Researching Language Learner and Teacher Psychology)
    Multilingual Matters 2021
講演・口頭発表等 (46件):
  • Intuition in Practice: Reflecting on the Dynamicity of Language Teaching and Research
    (Psychology of Language Learning 5 2024)
  • Examining the sociality of L+ (study) emotions: A multimodal data session
    (Psychology of Language Learning 5 2024)
  • Working with Intuition in Language Teaching and Research
    (ELTRIA 2024)
  • Painting Emotions in L+ Learning: Insights and Ideas from Classroom Practice
    (ELTRIA 2024)
  • Reflecting on Intuition in Language Teaching and Research
    (JALT CUE 30th Anniversary Conference 2023)
学歴 (3件):
  • - 2014 グリフィス大学(Griffith University) 人文学研究科
  • - 2008 南クイーンズランド州大学(University of Southern Queensland) 教育学研究科
  • - 1998 南オーストラリア州大学(University of South Australia) 教育学部
学位 (6件):
  • 教育学士(Bachelor of Education) (南オーストラリア州大学(University of South Australia))
  • 修士(応用言語学) (南クイーンズランド州大学(University of Southern Queensland))
  • PhD (グリフィス大学(Griffith University))
  • Bachelor of Education (University of South Australia)
  • Master of Applied Linguistics (University of Southern Queensland)
経歴 (7件):
  • 2024/04 - 現在 中央大学
  • 2020/04 - 2024/03 立教大学 外国語教育研究センター 准教授
  • 2018/12 - 2020/03 群馬大学 大学教育センター 准教授
  • 2013/04 - 2018/11 群馬大学(講師)
  • 2012/04 - 2013/03 群馬工業高等専門学校 (准教授)
受賞 (1件):
  • 2015/07 - Griffith University Griffith University Chancellor's Medal 2014
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