J-GLOBAL ID:202001004060855392   更新日: 2020年11月04日

加藤 洋一

カトウ ヨウイチ | Kato Yoichi
職名: 教授(任期付き)
研究分野 (1件): ヒューマンインタフェース、インタラクション
論文 (11件):
  • Kato, Y., Asano, Y., Ohno, T. Mission of the ICT design center. NTT Technical Review. 2011. 9. 9
  • Yoichi Kato, Sakae Okubo, Yutaka Suzuki. A study on hybrid motion video coding schemes- block size, comparison of dct and vq schemes, loop filter. Electronics and Communications in Japan (Part I: Communications). 1990. 73. 12. 45-54
  • Okubo, Sakae, Nishimura, Shinji, Kato, Yoichi. International standardization of video codecs for ISDN videoconferencing and videophone services. NTT Review. 1990. 2. 3
  • Yoichi Kato, Naoki Mukawa, Sakae Okubo. A coding control algorithm for motion picture coding accomplishing optimal assignment of coding distortion to time and space domains. Electronics and Communications in Japan (Part I: Communications). 1989. 72. 9. 63-73
  • Yoichi Kato, Naoki Mukawa, Sakae Okubo. An adaptive orthogonal transform coding algorithm for images utilizing classification technique. Electronics and Communications in Japan (Part I: Communications). 1989. 72. 5. 1-10
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