J-GLOBAL ID:202001006289760398   更新日: 2024年04月26日

林 安希子

研究分野 (3件): 社会心理学 ,  文化人類学、民俗学 ,  教育社会学
競争的資金等の研究課題 (5件):
  • 2023 - 2027 An Alternative Mode of Student Well-Being or Unhappy Schools? Exploring Interdependence in Education across East and Southeast Asia, Building Evidence to Impact the Post-SDG 2030 Global Policy Agenda
  • 2024 - 2026 グループ・マシュマロ課題 -幼稚園児におけるグループ制御の日米比較研究-
  • 2017 - 熟練幼稚園教師の国際比較研究-日本・中国・アメリカ-
  • 2014 - 2016 The Development of Expertise in Preschool Teachers in Three Cultures: Japan, China, and the United States
  • 2014 - 2015 日本におけるバイリンガル教育-文化人類学・比較教育学の視点から-
論文 (21件):
  • Akiko Hayashi. Teaching Expertise in Three Countries: findings and policy implications from an international comparative study in early childhood education. Comparative Education. 2022. 1-13
  • Akiko Hayashi, Jeffrey Liew, Samantha Dyanne Aguilar, Juliet M. Nyanamba, Yingying Zhao. Embodied and Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) in Early Childhood: Situating Culturally Relevant SEL in Asian, African, and North American Contexts. Early Education and Development. 2022. 1-18
  • Akiko Hayashi. Some Japanese ways of conducting comparative educational research. Comparative Education. 2021. 57. 2. 147-158
  • 子どもの感情発達を支えるものとは: 幼児教育への文化人類学的アプローチ. 発達. 2020. 163. 41. 68-73
  • Going Deeper in Video Cued Multivocal Ethnographies. Anthropology & Education Quarterly. 2019
書籍 (6件):
  • Teaching Expertise in Three Countries: Japan, China, and the United States
    University of Chicago Press 2022 ISBN:0226818675
  • 幼児教育のエスノグラフィ--日本文化・社会のなかで育ちゆく子どもたち
    明石書店 2019 ISBN:4750348996
  • Japanese Preschool Approaches to Supporting Young Children’s Social-Emotional Development
    Springer 2019
  • Teaching Embodied: Cultural Practice in Japanese Preschools
    University of Chicago Press 2015 ISBN:022626310X
  • Continuity and Change in Japanese Preschool Education, In Japanese Education in an Era of Globalization: Enduring Issues in New Context, Gary DeCorker and Christopher Bjork, (Eds.), NY: Teachers College Press
講演・口頭発表等 (52件):
  • Emotionality, Self-regulation, and Prosocial Behavior as Risk or Protection for Loneliness and Internalizing Emotions in Children and Young Adults
  • Preschool in Three Eras in Japan:1984, 2002, and 2022
  • Preschool in Three Eras in Japan:1984, 2002, and 2022
  • Teaching Expertise in Three Countries: Japan, China, and the United States
  • Teaching Expertise in Three Countries: Japan, China, and the United States
経歴 (4件):
  • 2021/04 - 現在 慶應義塾大学 商学部
  • 2015 - 2021 明治大学 専門職大学院 ガバナンス研究科
  • 2012 - 2015 ジョージア大学
  • 2005 - 2011 アリゾナ州立大学
所属学会 (5件):
Comparative and International Education Society ,  American Educational Research Association ,  American Anthropological Association ,  日本比較教育学会 ,  日本教育社会学会
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