J-GLOBAL ID:202001006660750376   更新日: 2024年12月02日

Pemberton Christine

Pemberton Christine
研究分野 (1件): 外国語教育
研究キーワード (1件): learner autonomy, self-directed language learning, second language acquisition, learner corpora, materials analysis
論文 (9件):
  • Pemberton, C, MacDonald, E, Marzin, E, Castro, E. Self-Access and Learner Autonomy in Multiple Contexts. JASAL Journal. 2023. 4. 2. 1-3
  • Pemberton, C, Marzin, E, Mynard, J, Wongsarnpigoon, I. Evaluation of SALC inclusiveness: What do our users think?. JASAL Journal. 2023. 4. 1. 5-31
  • Marzin, E, Pemberton, C, Takada, S. Happy to help: Reflections on learning advisors’ emotions. JASAL Journal. 2022. 3. 2. 33-41
  • Pemberton, C. Introverted and Extroverted Students’ Perceptions of Emergency Remote Learning. Literacies and Language Education: Research and Practice. 2021. 44-56
  • Brown, T, Pemberton, C. Choose Your Fate. The Language Teacher. 2021. 45. 4. 27-28
書籍 (1件):
  • Promoting and evaluating students’ development of self-directed language learning and reflective abilities.
    Multilingual Matters 2023
講演・口頭発表等 (11件):
  • Scaffolding Autonomous Learning in CLIL: An Example of a Modern Art Appreciation Course
    (RILAE 13th Lab Session 2024)
  • Promoting Inclusivity Through Project-Based Prosocial Learning With CLIL LGBTQ+ Course Takers
    (Asia TEFL 2024)
  • Reflection Tool for Advisors' Emotions and Practices
    (JASAL 2024)
  • An overview of an acceptance and commitment coaching intervention with foreign language learners and its impacts on anxiety and linguistic risk-taking
    (RILAE 11th LAb 2023)
  • Polishing the mirror: Developing a reflection tool for learning advisors.
    (PanSIG 2023 2023)
学歴 (4件):
  • 2021 - 2022 Research Institute for Learner Autonomy Education Learning Advisor Education
  • 2017 - 2019 University of Birmingham Education Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
  • 2007 - 2009 Naropa University Psychology Contemplative Psychology
  • 2005 - 2007 Elgin Community College General Education
委員歴 (2件):
  • 2021/04 - 2022/02 Kanda University of International Studies Social Media Committee
  • 2020/04 - 2021/02 Kanda University of International Studies Professional Development Committee
所属学会 (1件):
Japan Association for Language Teaching
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