研究キーワード (1件):
learner autonomy, self-directed language learning, second language acquisition, learner corpora, materials analysis
論文 (9件):
Pemberton, C, MacDonald, E, Marzin, E, Castro, E. Self-Access and Learner Autonomy in Multiple Contexts. JASAL Journal. 2023. 4. 2. 1-3
Pemberton, C, Marzin, E, Mynard, J, Wongsarnpigoon, I. Evaluation of SALC inclusiveness: What do our users think?. JASAL Journal. 2023. 4. 1. 5-31
Marzin, E, Pemberton, C, Takada, S. Happy to help: Reflections on learning advisors’ emotions. JASAL Journal. 2022. 3. 2. 33-41
Pemberton, C. Introverted and Extroverted Students’ Perceptions of Emergency Remote Learning. Literacies and Language Education: Research and Practice. 2021. 44-56
Brown, T, Pemberton, C. Choose Your Fate. The Language Teacher. 2021. 45. 4. 27-28
Promoting and evaluating students’ development of self-directed language learning and reflective abilities.
Multilingual Matters 2023
講演・口頭発表等 (11件):
Scaffolding Autonomous Learning in CLIL: An Example of a Modern Art Appreciation Course
(RILAE 13th Lab Session 2024)
Promoting Inclusivity Through Project-Based Prosocial Learning With CLIL LGBTQ+ Course Takers
(Asia TEFL 2024)
Reflection Tool for Advisors' Emotions and Practices
(JASAL 2024)
An overview of an acceptance and commitment coaching intervention with foreign language learners and its impacts on anxiety and linguistic risk-taking
(RILAE 11th LAb 2023)
Polishing the mirror: Developing a reflection tool for learning advisors.
(PanSIG 2023 2023)