Yoshinobu Kudo. Self-Identity and Self-Presentation in the Late-Fifteenth-Century Norwich Merchant’s Miscellany Manuscripts Known as “The Fisher Miscellany”. Journal of the Early Book Society. 2022. 25. 1-38
Yoshinobu KUDO. [Republication] Reinstalling Clerical Authority, Juridical and Didactic: The Unique Rearrangements of Book II of Peter Idley's Instructions to his Son in London, British Library, Arundel MS 20. Studies in Medieval English Language and Literature. 2021. 36. 15-52
Yoshinobu Kudo. A Transcription of a Non-authorial Addition to Peter Idley's Instructions to his Son in Cambridge, Magdalene College, Pepys MS 2030. 言語文化論叢 = Studies of Language and Culture. 2021. 25. 101-114
Yoshinobu Kudo. Review of Takami Matsuda, Choosaa Kantaberii monogatari: Janru wo meguru bouken [Chaucer's Canterbury Tales: An Adventures across Genres] (Tokyo: Keio University Press, 2019). Studies in Medieval English Language and Literature. 2021. 36. 123-127
Yoshinobu Kudo. Review of A. C. Spearing, Medieval Autographies: The “I” of the Text (Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2012). Studies in Medieval English Language and Literature. 2017. 32. 127-141
Reflective Roundtable in Honor of Liz Herbert McAvoy and Naoë Kukita Yoshikawa (as a discussant)
(59th International Congress on Medieval Studies 2024)
(2022年度初年次教育実践交流会 in 北陸 2022)
A Late Fifteenth-Century Norwich Merchant's Manuscript: The Compilation of the "Fisher Miscellany"
(56th International Congress on Medieval Studies 2021)
2014/06 - 現在 New Chaucer Society Regular contributor for Annotated Chaucer Bibliography
2017/01 - 2019/12 日本中世英語英文学会 大会準備委員
2015/04 - 2019/03 日本中世英語英文学会東支部 幹事
2017/06 - 2017/06 日本中世英語英文学会東支部 研究発表会開催校幹事
受賞 (4件):
2024/12 - 日本中世英語英文学会 日本中世英語英文学会奨励賞
2021/06 - 西洋中世学会 第2回西洋中世学会賞 Reinstalling Clerical Authority, Juridical and Didactic: The Unique Rearrangements of Book II of Peter Idley’s Instructions to his Son in London, British Library, Arundel MS 20
2021/06 - 日本中世英語英文学会 松浪奨励賞 Reinstalling Clerical Authority, Juridical and Didactic: The Unique Rearrangements of Book II of Peter Idley’s Instructions to His Son in London, British Library, Arundel MS 20