Nhu Ngoc Nguyen, Daisaku Goto, Duc Tran, Ha Thu Vu. Nudging households to save electricity with feedback: Experimental evidence from Vietnam. Energy Policy. 2024. 195. 114378-114378
Duc Tran, Vu Ha Thu, Daisaku Goto. Agricultural land consolidation, labor allocation and land productivity: A case study of plot exchange policy in Vietnam. Economic Analysis and Policy. 2022. 73. 455-473
Vu Ha Thu, Duc Tran, Daisaku Goto, Keisuke Kawata. Does Experience Sharing Affect Farmers' Pro-environmental Behavior? A Randomized Controlled Trial in Vietnam. World Development. 2020. 136. 105062
Vu Ha Thu, Daisaku Goto. Does awareness about land tenure security (LTS) increase investments in agriculture? Evidence from rural households in Vietnam. Land Use Policy. 2020. 97. 104721-104721
Duc Tran, Vu Ha Thu, Daisaku Goto. Land consolidation and farm production: A difference-in-differences approach with plot exchange in two provinces of Vietnam. Working paper. IDEC DP2 Series. 2020. 10. 2
The Influence of Social Network on Crop Insurance Adoption: A Field Experiment in Vietnam
(Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development in the Era of Climate Change: Asian Perspectives (Workshop) 2025)
Long-term Uptakes of Crop Insurance: Does Network Matter?
(2024 Asia Meeting of the Econometric Society, East and Southeast Asia 2024)
Long-term Uptakes of Crop Insurance: Does Network Matter?
(29th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 2024)
Dynamic Uptake of Crop Insurance: Evidence from Field Experiments in Vietnam
(2023 TEA Conference, part of Annual Conference of the Agricultural Economics Society of Japan (AESJ) 2024)
Dynamic Uptake of Crop Insurance: Evidence from Field Experiments in Vietnam
(2023 Young JADE Conference 2023)