Izumi Katano, Hideyuki Doi, Junjiro N. Negishi, Tomoko Minagawa, Yuichi Kayaba. Tributary mitigates river discontinuity by dam depending on the distance from dam to the tributary confluence. River Research and Applications. 2023. 40. 2. 163-176
Aki Tanaka, Izumi Katano, Hideyuki Doi, Mami Iguchi, Shohei Koike. Applicability of environmental DNA metabarcoding for the hyporheic zone of a stream bed. Environmental DNA. 2023. 5. 6. 1667-1678
Katano I, Doi H, Hara N, Negishi JN, Minagawa T, Kayaba Y. Offset discontinuities in dammed rivers due to tributary: which macroinvertebrates taxa respond?. Proceedings of the 40th IAHR World Congress (Vienna, 2023). 2023. 29774
Teruhiko Takahara, Katsuya Fukui, Daisuke Hiramatsu, Hideyuki Doi, Masato Fujii, Toshifumi Minamoto. Development of primer-probe sets for environmental DNA-based monitoring of pond smelt Hypomesus nipponensis and Japanese icefish Salangichthys microdon. Landscape and Ecological Engineering. 2023. 19. 1. 11-19
Souma R, Katano I, Doi H, Takahara T, Minamoto T. Comparing environmental DNA with whole pond survey to estimate the total biomass of fish species in pond. Freshwater Biology. 2023. 68. 5. 727-736