J-GLOBAL ID:202001013079036448   更新日: 2024年08月22日

雨森 智子

アメモリ サトコ | Amemori Satoko
競争的資金等の研究課題 (4件):
  • 2022 - 2027 不安の神経メカニズムの解明を目指した霊長類線条体ストリオソーム構造の可視化技術の確立
  • 2021 - 2026 霊長類辺縁皮質-ストリオソーム経路の多細胞活動記録法による機能解析
  • 2022 - 2025 霊長類線条体コンパートメント構造の神経機構と不安生成メカニズム
  • 2021 - 2023 霊長類線条体ストリオソーム構造の遺伝学的アプローチ手法の開発とその応用
論文 (17件):
  • Satoko Amemori, Ann M. Graybiel, Ken-ichi Amemori. Cingulate microstimulation induces negative decision-making via reduced top-down influence on primate fronto-cingulo-striatal network. Nature Communications. 2024. 15. 1
  • Tomoyuki Murano, Ryuichi Nakajima, Akito Nakao, Nao Hirata, Satoko Amemori, Akira Murakami, Yukiyasu Kamitani, Jun Yamamoto, Tsuyoshi Miyakawa. Multiple types of navigational information are independently encoded in the population activities of the dentate gyrus neurons. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2022. 119. 32. e2106830119
  • Kalyani B. Karunakaran, Satoko Amemori, N. Balakrishnan, Madhavi K. Ganapathiraju, Ken-ichi Amemori. Generalized and social anxiety disorder interactomes show distinctive overlaps with striosome and matrix interactomes. Scientific Reports. 2021. 11. 1
  • Satoko Amemori, Ann M. Graybiel, Ken-ichi Amemori. Causal Evidence for Induction of Pessimistic Decision-Making in Primates by the Network of Frontal Cortex and Striosomes. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 2021. 15
  • H N Schwerdt, K Amemori, D J Gibson, L L Stanwicks, T Yoshida, N P Bichot, S Amemori, R Desimone, R Langer, M J Cima, et al. Dopamine and beta-band oscillations differentially link to striatal value and motor control. Science advances. 2020. 6. 39
MISC (22件):
  • Satoko Amemori, Ann M Graybiel, K-I Amemori. Cingulate microstimulation induces negative bias via dampened top-down cognitive influence on primate limbic network. FENS Forum 2024 Abstract: 2288. 2024
  • Jungmin Oh, Satoko Amemori, Ken-ichi Inoue, Kei Kimura, Masahiko Takada, Ken-ichi Amemori. Selective silencing of the ventral striatum-vental pallidum pathway enhances approach choices and motivational states under approach-avoidance conflict in nonhuman primates. Neuroscience 2023 Abstract: 040.13. 2023
  • Satoko Amemori, Ann Graybiel, Ken-ichi Amemori. Reduced top-down influence in the priimate fronto-cingulo-striatal network underlying negative bias in conflict decision-making. Neuroscience 2023 Abstract: 423.17. 2023
  • Jungmin OH, Satoko Amemori, Ken-ichi Inoue, Kei Kimura, Masahiko Takada, Ken-ichi Amemori. Pathway-selective silencing of ventral striatum neurons projecting to the ventral pallidum elevates motivational states under approach-avoidance conflict in nonhuman primates. Neuroscience 2021 Abstract. 2021
  • Schwerdt HN, Amemori KI, Gibson DJ, Stanwicks L, Yoshida T, Amemori S, Langer R, Cima MJ, Graybiel AM. Synchronous recording of dopamine neurochemical and striatal electrical activity in non-human primates. Neuroscience 2019 Abstract: 796.22. 2019
講演・口頭発表等 (45件):
  • 帯状回皮質への微小刺激によるマカクザルのうつ病モデル:悲観的な意思決定と認知系トップダウン信号の辺縁系への影響
    (日本神経科学大会 2024)
  • Cingulate microstimulation induces negative bias via dampened top-down cognitive influence on primate limbic network
    (FENS Forum 2024 2024)
  • The mechanisms of cognitive top-down influence on pessimistic decisions in non-human primates
    (41st ASHBi Colloquium 2024)
  • Dampened top-down influence in the primate fronto-cingulo-striatal network underlying negative bias in conflict decision-making
    (ASHBi Retreat 2024 2024)
  • Reduced top-down influence in the primate fronto-cingulo-striatal network underlying negative bias in conflict decision-making
    (Society for Neuroscience meeting 2023 2023)
学位 (1件):
  • 医学博士 (北海道大学)
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