- 2024/03 - 粉体工学会 Advanced Powder Technology APT Distinguished Paper Awar
- 2023/06 - 鉄鋼環境基金 技術委員長賞
- 2023 - 英国王立化学会(RSC) The Environmental Science: Atmospheres best review award (2022)
- 2020 - 米国化学会(ACS) The 2019 Environmental Science and Technology Letters Best Paper Award
- 2019 - 日本エアロゾル学会 ベストポスター賞 SERSを用いた実大気ナノ粒子の化学組成分析
- 2015 - 2nd International Conference on Purity, Utility Reaction and Environmental Research (PURE 2015) Best Paper Award Development of a battery-driven passive sampling system for electrostatically trapping atmospheric particles
- 2015 - Asian Aerosol Conference 2015 Best Poster Award Insertion of colloidal particles in the pores of a honeycomb structure via an aerosol route
- 2013 - 日本エアロゾル学会 井伊谷賞(最優秀プレゼンテーション賞)
- 2013 - 日本エアロゾル学会 高橋幹二賞 (論文賞)
- 2013 - Innovation Organization Program at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Student Research Grant Development of a novel method for detection of pesticide residues
- 2012 - FOLENS Program at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Student Travel Grand for stay (30 days) at Universiti Putra Malaysia Fabrication of a simple particle collection system to monitor atmospheric particles in Malaysia
- 2011 - Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Commendation from the president Design and fabrication of aerosol system for plants-growth chamber
- 2010 - 13th Asia Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Best Poster Paper Award A plant-growth chamber system for the exposure to submicron aerosol particles