Yoshiho Akagawa, Kazunori Matsui. Projection scheme for a perfect plasticity model with a time-dependent constraint set. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 2025. 542
Yoshiho akagawa, Takeshi Fukao, Risei Kano. Time-dependence of the threshold function in the perfect plasticity model,. Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications. 2023. 32. 371-398
Yoshiho Akagawa, Elliott Ginder, Syota Koide, Seiro Omata, Karel Svadlenka. A Crank-Nicolson type minimization scheme for a hyperbolic free boundary problem. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B. 2022. 27. 2661-2681
Yoshiho Akagawa, Shuichi Morikawa, Seiro Omata. A numerical approach based on variational methods to an elastodynamic contact problem. The Science Reports of Kanazawa University. 2019. 63. 29-44
Faizal Makhrus, Yoshiho Akagawa, Alvi Syahrini. Numerical methods for 1-D hyperbolic-type problems with free boundary. The Science Reports of Kanazawa University. 2015. 59. 27-50