Tomoaki Nogawa. Dimensional Reduction of Dynamical Systems by Machine Learning: Automatic Generation of the Optimum Extensive Variables and Their Time-Evolution Map. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment. 2023. 123404
Tomoaki Nogawa. Renormalization-group theory of the abnormal singularities at the critical-order transition in bond percolation on pointed hierarchical graphs. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. 2018. 51. 505003:1-17
Tomoaki Nogawa, Takehisa Hasegawa, Koji Nemoto. Local cluster-size statistics in the critical phase of bond percolation on the Cayley tree. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment. 2016. 2016. 5. 1-18
Toru Ohira, Tadaaki Hosaka, Tomoaki Nogawa. Chases and escapes, and optimization problems. Artificial Life and Robotics. 2015. 20. 3. 257-261