Shouhei Noji, Shunsuke Nansai, Norihiro Kamamichi, Hiroshi Itoh. Modeling and Control of a Lizard-Inspired Single-Actuated Robot. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. 2022. 7. 3. 6399-6406
Shunsuke Nansai, Hiroshi Itoh. Locomotion Control of Snake-like Robot utilizing Friction Forces: Stability Verification of Model Following Servo Controller. Journal of Advanced Simulation in Science and Engineering. 2022. 9. 1. 113-127
Kouki Kanbe, Shunsuke Nansai, Hiroshi Itoh. Design of Trajectory Generator of a Glass Façade Cleaning Robot. 47th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. 2021. 1-6
Shunsuke Nansai, Hiroshi Itoh. Locomotion Control of Snake-like Robot utilizing Friction Forces: Feasibility Verification via Two Wheeled Robot. 40th JSST Annual International Conference on Simulation Technology. 2021. 330-333
Shunsuke Nansai, Rajesh Elara Mohan. A Survey of Wall Climbing Robots: Recent Advances and Challenges. Robotics. 2016. 5. 3
講演・口頭発表等 (27件):
Design of Trajectory Generator of a Glass Façade Cleaning Robot
(47th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society 2021)
Locomotion Control of Snake-like Robot utilizing Friction Forces: Feasibility Verification via Two Wheeled Robot
(The 40th JSST Annual International Conference on Simulation Technology 2021)
Kinematics Analysis and Tracking Control of Novel Single Actuated Lizard Type Robot
(2020 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics 2020)
Construction of SLAM algorithm for window cleaning robot moving along window frame
(2020 4th International Conference on Control Engineering and Artificial Intelligence 2020)
Modeling and Analysis of Novel Lizard Typed Robot
(2019 5th International Conference on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence 2019)
2021/11 - Japan Society for Simulation Technology Outstanding Presentation Award Locomotion Control of Snake-like Robot utilizing Friction Forces: Feasibility Verification via Two Wheeled Robot
2018/09 - Japan Society for Simulation Technology Outstanding Presentation Award Foot Location Algorithm for Facade Cleaning Robot
2016/10 - Japan Society for Simulation Technology Outstanding Presentation Award Slipping Link Estimation of Snake-like Robot based on Kinematics
2016/02 - EDU Studio Solutions of Singapore Best Research First Place, One Moment of Robot Glory Asia 2016 Jansen Bot: Nested Reconfigurable Walking Mechanism
2015/03 - 東京電機大学 丹羽保次郎賞 丹羽保次郎賞
2012/10 - Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems Student Paper Award Tracking Control of Snake-like Robot with Rotational Elastic Actuators