Saito Hikari. Paving the Way for Another Direction in the Promotion of Enforcement of Foreign Judgments : Ideas to Connect Courts Across the World. Kobe University law review. 2019. 52. 52. 19-43
Challenges against the Myth of the Singapore Convention on Mediation
(2021 Dispute Resolution Spring Conference 2021)
Recognition and Enforcement of International Mediation Settlement Agreements under the relevant Hague Conventions
(The Conference of the Journal of Private International Law 2019)
2016/09 - 2016/09 Jeff Leong, Poon & Wong法律事務所 インターンシップ
委員歴 (5件):
2019/11 - 現在 国際商取引学会 若手人材獲得委嘱委員
2022/01 - 2023/03 Section of Dispute Resolution, American Bar Association Chair of Communication Sub-Committee of the International Committee
2021/10 - 2022/08 University of Aberdeen, School of Law PGR Policy Committee, 3rd year PGR representative
2021/02 - 2022/08 University of Aberdeen, School of Law Athena SWAN SAT representative for PGR students
2021/10 - 2022/01 Section of Dispute Resolution, American Bar Association Communication Sub-Committee Co-Chair of the International Committee
受賞 (2件):
2021/04 - ABA Section of Dispute Resolution Full Scholarship for ABA Dispute Resolution Spring Conference
2019/05 - 公益財団法人神戸大学六甲台後援会 2019年度六甲台後援会創立50周年記念社会科学特別奨励賞海外派遣事業在外研究支援金(凌霜賞) The Hague Academy in Private International Law, Netherlands, August 2019に参加するため
所属学会 (3件):
, 国際商取引学会
, American Bar Association, Section of Dispute Resolution