Kurumi Takimoto, Takaaki Arahira, Mitsugu Todo. Development and characterization of three-dimensional layered structures with gel beads for bone tissue engineering. Results in Materials. 2022. 16. 100317-100317
橋爪 善光, 荒平 高章. 九州情報大学におけるデータサイエンス教育の現状とKIIS数理・データサイエンス・AI教育プログラムが学生の履修登録行動に与えた影響-The Status on Data Science Educational Program at Kyushu Institute of Information Sciences and the Impact of This Program on Subject Registrations. 九州情報大学研究論集 = Bulletin Kyushu Institute of Information Sciences / 研究論集編集委員会 編. 2022. 24. 27-34
Kaoru Shimada, Takaaki Arahira, Shogo Matsuno. ItemSB: Itemsets with Statistically Distinctive Backgrounds Discovered by Evolutionary Method. International Journal of Semantic Computing. 2022. 16. 3. 357-378
Takaaki Arahira, Mitsugu Todo, Akira Myoui. Fracture analysis of porous bioceramics by finite element method. ICIC Express Letters, Part B: Applications. 2021. 12. 7. 619-625
Hydrogels and polymer-based scaffolds
Elsevier 2019 ISBN:9780128169018
講演・口頭発表等 (6件):
Development and characterization of collagen/rhenanite composite scaffold for bone tissue engineering
(The 11th Asian-Pacific Conference on Biomechanics)
Fabrication and characterization of 3D laminated gel beads scaffold for bone tissue engineering
(ISSCR International Symposia virtual)