Hidetoshi Miyazaki, Yosuke Yamashita, Takeshi Tsuji, Wenchang Yeh, Shinya Tsukada. Improvement of dielectric and ferroelectric properties by laser sintering of pulsed EPD BaTiO3 films. Ceramics International. 2023. 49. 8. 12745-12749
Hidetoshi Miyazaki, Yosuke Yamashita, Katsumi Yamada, Takeshi Kubota, Kohji Omata, Shinya Tsukada. Lowering BaTi2O5 Curie temperature by Sr facile hydrothermal ion-exchange while retaining the original particle morphology. MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS. 2021. 272
Hidetoshi Miyazaki, Katsumi Yamada, Yuta Kitano, Yuki Makinose, Takeshi Kubota, Kohji Omata, Shinya Tsukada. Synthesis of Sr substituted BaTiO3 nanoparticles by hydrothermal treatments with maintaining the source material form and particle size. JOURNAL OF THE CERAMIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. 2021. 129. 3. 143-146
Hidetoshi Miyazaki, Kento Oe, MakoTsuruta. Fabrication of radiative cooling coatings and composite films using Si2N2O nano-particles with wide range temperatures. Open Ceramics. 2021. 4. 100039