J-GLOBAL ID:202002290136391067   整理番号:20A2049787

NEO Speciality 家族・医療者が発症したら?!現場ではこう動く!NICUでの感染対策 9 サイトメガロウイルス感染症

著者 (1件):
巻: 33  号:ページ: 768-771  発行年: 2020年10月01日 
JST資料番号: L0457A  ISSN: 2434-4540  資料種別: 逐次刊行物 (A)
発行国: 日本 (JPN)  言語: 日本語 (JA)
引用文献 (6件):
  • Nagano, N. et al. Congenital cytomegalovirus infection : epidemiology, prediction, diagnosis, and emerging treatment options for symptomatic infants. Expert Opin Orphan Drugs. 8, 2020, 1-9.
  • Koyano, S. et al. Screening for congenital cytomegalovirus infection using newborn urine samples collected on filter paper : feasibility and outcomes from a multicentre study. BMJ Open. 29 (1), 2011, e000118.
  • Kimberlin, DW. et al. Valganciclovir for symptomatic congenital cytomegalovirus disease. N Engl J Med. 372 (10), 2015, 933-43.
  • Lanzieri, TM. et al. Hearing Loss in Children With Asymptomatic Congenital Cytomegalovirus Infection. Pediatrics. 139 (3), 2017, e20162610.
  • Fowler, KB. et al. Risk factors for congenital cytomegalovirus infection in the offspring of young women : exposure to young children and recent onset of sexual activity. Pediatrics. 118 (2), 2006, e286-92.
